Current river observations and forecasts from federal agencies provide local site-specific information at gauge locations. Data from these gauges are essential for developing reliable flood warnings and many other purposes.
A local gauge network, operated by the non-profit Environmental Emergency Services (EES), supplements the information from federal agencies with real-time information about stream, river, and lake levels; precipitation; and other weather conditions. During flood events, conditions are monitored by volunteers to support emergency operations in Chemung, Steuben, and Schuyler Counties.
Flood inundation maps show the areas that are expected to be inundated when the river reaches various levels. This provides a graphical extension of river forecasts by showing where flooding is likely to occur and how deep the water may be. This tool can be used to plan for flood emergencies, as well as for emergency response.
The National Weather Service maintains online flood inundation maps for the Chemung River and the downstream reach of the Tioga River. This mapping is tied to river levels at four gauges in the STC region. To access this information, go to the river gauge data page (links below), check “Activate FIM Gauge” below the map, and then point to the Stage (gauge height) on the left to see the area expected to be inundated at that water level.
Less detailed inundation mapping is available for the following gauges showing the areas inundated at each flood category (Action Stage, Minor Flooding, Moderate Flooding, and Major Flooding). To view this information, go to the river gauge data page (links below) and check “Activate CATFIM” below the map.
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