STC provides a wide array of services and support to our three-county region and participates in efforts beyond our borders for the betterment of the Southern Tier Region and the State. Our comprehensive, knowledgeable staff are prepared to assist local governments, community leaders, organizations, and agencies through various avenues and techniques.
Learn more about offered services below.
STC provides technical assistance through a majority of its services.
Additional technical assistance is available for projects such as, shared service studies, community surveys, grant development, locally developed projects, and downtown revitalization.
Communities and agencies with interest in, or actively pursuing, ARC and EDA economic development grant funding can receive technical assistance from STC.
STC provides an evening training series each year for communities, agencies, organizations, and local governments, as well as an annual Regional Leadership Conference that brings together valuable resources and information in one place.
STC also provides assistance to municipal governments and community leaders through targeted information and assistance contracts.
STC provides assistance in strategic planning, preparation of county and regional economic profiles, and coordination with economic development agencies and organizations within each of the three counties.
STC provides assistance to our communities in the following areas:
STC provides planning and technical assistance to partners involved in protecting and utilizing the region’s natural resources.
This program supports local communities, stormwater coalitions, watershed organizations, county water quality committees, state agencies, and others.
STC has lead development of an ecosystem-based watershed management plan for the Susquehanna and Chemung Basins of New York; works with local communities, the Upper Susquehanna Coalition, Friends of the Chemung River Watershed, and county water quality coordination committees; and coordinates with the Seneca Lake Partners in Five Counties (SLAP-5).
STC is prepared to address livability concerns, specifically focused on analyzing local sustainability and livability principles in strategies and plans produced by or in collaboration with STC.
As a regional Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Coordinator, STC staff provide support to active and prospective Climate Smart Communities for action implementation.
STC assists in planning and coordination of telecommunications infrastructure throughout the region.
STC was instrumental in planning and obtaining funds for the Southern Tier Network (STN), a dark fiber backbone running through the three counties. STC continues to support STN as it brings the highest speed broadband connectivity to the region.
STC has also worked with the State to verify Internet access provided by major networks across our three-county region and successfully challenged claimed service availability.
STC is available to support coordination of regional highway, transit, aviation, water, and rail transportation planning.
STC works closely with the Elmira Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) – the Elmira-Chemung Transportation Council (ECTC) – and the Schuyler-Steuben Transportation Committee.
STC provides planning and technical assistance to communities, agencies, and industries in the following areas:
STC conducts periodic human service needs assessments, provides grant assistance for Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) human service proposals, and serves as a clearinghouse for human services information.
STC maintains current information on federal and state grant programs, researches specified subjects and issues, and acts as a regional clearinghouse and NYS Affiliated Data Center for Census information, labor and industry information, and demographic data.
STC provides GIS technical assistance and mapping services to communities that can be utilized in grant applications, by public works departments, and for development projects.
STC is currently running a Community GIS pilot program where it provides an ESRI license, storage for municipal apps and data, and technical support for development of materials for a fee. If you are interested in learning more about the Community GIS Program, you can reach out to Jack Cook at or by phone at 607-962-5092 ext. 206.
STC provides water-related technical assistance to local governments and communities in areas such as:
STC advocates on behalf of the region for flood mapping and flood insurance issues, and promotes improved state and federal policies for managing flood risks and reducing future damage.
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