U.S. Economic Development Administration. A bureau within the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Economic Development Administration
Each Economic Development District (EDD) is required by the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to complete a regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) every 5 years. STC’s CEDS is being written to meet the EDA Guidelines and to address the specific concerns of our region. The CEDS process began in the Fall of 2019 and has been underway for several months. The 2020 CEDS incorporates goals from several recent economic development plans (see the resource links below).
The Economic Development, Policy, & Strategy Committee reviewed the draft and recommended changes to the CEDS prior to the 30-day public comment period.
The STC staff incorporated comments received and presented the final draft to the STC board for approval. The STC Board approved the Final draft on 3/20/2020. The adopted CEDS was submitted to the EDA on 3/31/2020.
The adopted CEDS has been digitally distributed to all Towns, Cities, & Villages in the region. Printed copies are always available at the Regional Leadership Conference. A digital copy of the CEDS can be downloaded here. Please call if you have any questions.
Grant at a Glance
Economic Development Administration also awards significant Public Works grants
Economic Development Administration also awards significant Public Works grants to projects that are intended to assist job-creating project that will have a major impact on the region’s economy, such as:
- public works
- conversion of defense facilities and support for defense-related industries
- projects to counteract the results of the sudden and severe loss of an employment base
Eligible Projects
Eligible projects will include provision of the infrastructure necessary for economic development to occur, or a proposal to combat sudden and long-term economic distress in communities, providing capital to help private sector business overcome short- and long-term obstacles such as lack of business capital, natural disasters, or plant and defense base closings. Technical assistance for economic development projects is available.
Eligible Applicants
Units of local government, Community Development Corporations, and Industrial Development Agencies may apply for EDA grants.
Amount of Funding
A limited number of grants is available for priority projects having major economic impact through job creation and retention. Funding levels are determined by the federal budget.
Matching Funds / Continuation
All grants require a local match of at least 25%.
The application process is rolling/continuous.
Application Deadline:
Maximum Amount:
Local Match Required:
At least 25%